Міжнародна діяльність кафедри у 2022-2023 н.р.

Міжнародна діяльність кафедри у 2022-2023 н.р.
  1. Люблінський медичний університет, м. Люблін, Польща, стажування «Медична освіта майбутнього: перспективні та пріоритетні напрями наукових досліджень» (108 годин)
  2. Відень-Мюнхен-Будапешт, науково-педагогічне стажування «Співпраця Україна- Австрія- Німеччина під егідою НАТО» «Clinical laboratory diagnostics», (108 год.), сертифікат
  3. Development of medical modern state and innovations in medicine education in Ukraine and EU countries (8 credits 180 hours), Medical University of Pharmacy of Lublin (the Republic of Poland).
  4. Modern Molecular-Biochemical Markers in Clinical and Experimental Medicine , European Scientific Center Biomarkers (3 modules, hours 85) Prague, Czech Republic
  5. New and innovative teaching methods (120 hours 4 ECTS), University of Economics in Krakow
  6. New trends and unresolved issues of preventive and clinical medicine (15 hours 0.5 ECTS credit) Medical University of Lublin (Republic of Poland)
  7. Online learning as a non-Traditional form of modern Education on the example of The moodle platform (1.5 ECTS credits 45 hours), Lublin (Republic of Poland)
  8. Ways of improving the training of future professional medical and pharmaceutical specialists in Ukraine and eu countries (6 credits 180 hours) Medical University of Lublin (Republic of Poland)
  • Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives (180 teaching hours 6 ECTS) Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok
  • Innovative forms of modern education with using google meet and google classroom platforms (1.5 ECTS credit 45 hours) Medical University of Lublin (Republic of Poland)
  • VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative technologies in science and practice” (0,86 ECTS credits 24 hours of Participation) October 26-29, 2022, Haifa, Israel.
  • VIІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and practice, actual problems, innovations” (0,8 ECTS credits 24 hours of Participation) November 09-12, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • International postgraduate practical internship “New and innovative teaching methods” organized by Malopolska School of Public Administration University of Economics (180 teaching hours (6 ECTS)) in Krakow, 2022.
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